Template Guidelines By Meta -
Meta has specific guidelines for WhatsApp message templates to ensure quality, compliance, and user-friendly communication
Following these rules helps businesses get template approvals quickly while maintaining a great customer experience.
Q:What steps can we take to improve our message read rates?
- Here are some strategies to improve your message read rates
● Audience: Tailor your messages to specific user segments for more relevant communication.
● Timing: To maximize chances of engagement with your templates, consider not sending on days when many businesses are competing for your customer’s attention, such as weekends or seasonal peaks.
● Frequency of Messages: Monitor how many marketing conversations a customer receives per day and week to avoid overloading the customer.
● Cooldowns: Give customers who have stopped engaging with your templates a break. Always include the option to opt out of marketing conversations on WhatsApp.
● Opt-in: Opt-in before any business-initiated messaging is required, but additional opt-in for marketing content is a recommended best practice to avoid negative feedback.
● Opt-out: Always include the option to opt out of marketing conversations on WhatsApp.
● Relevance of the Message: Make sure the subject line or preview text clearly indicates the message's relevance. Similarly, if previous interactions have been negative, this may discourage people from reading messages.
● Optimize the first 60-65 characters: This is what people see first in their message preview on WhatsApp. Make it engaging, convey the main point, personalize it, and test different approaches to see what works best.
Q:How are accommodating the timing of messages?
For example, people may not check messages during work hours, which could result in low read rates.
Our system accounts for variations in user availability by analyzing read rate trends over an appropriate period, rather than solely relying on immediate response times. This ensures a fair and realistic assessment of message engagement.
To ensure higher read rates on WhatsApp, analyze user/student behavior to identify optimal times for message delivery, such as lunch breaks, evenings, and weekends, typically outside work hours.
Personalize content to make it more engaging and relevant.
Last updated